Prescription ErrorsPosted in Medical Malpractice on January 13, 2020
Millions of patients rely on prescription medications to treat and manage their conditions. When a patient receives the incorrect medicine or dosage, the outcome can be fatal. Every doctor, nurse, pharmacy and drug manufacturer has a duty to uphold the correct standards of care in creating, prescribing and administering medications. Unfortunately, negligent and careless parties… read more
Car Seat Requirements in Rideshare Vehicles and TaxisPosted in Alabama Law,Car Accidents,Safety on December 26, 2019
Traveling with young children is not always easy. You might recognize the immense importance of using a safety-approved car seat to protect your child, yet one might not always be available if you are traveling via taxi or rideshare vehicle. It might also be illegal in Alabama to travel with your child without using a… read more
Fire Safety Tips for the Holiday SeasonPosted in Personal Injury,Safety on December 9, 2019
The Christmas holiday naturally comes with many fire hazards the average household does not see the rest of the year. Christmas trees, strings of lights, dangerous decorations, heating units and holiday cooking all run significant fire safety risks. Do not let your celebration of the season lead to a house fire, serious burn injuries or… read more
Safe Driving Tips for Pregnant WomenPosted in Car Accidents,Safety on November 29, 2019
Many activities become more dangerous while pregnant. Carrying a baby comes with unique risks to you and your unborn child. Recognizing potential hazards and how to mitigate them can prevent serious injuries to you and your baby. Although driving can have unique risks for pregnant women, you can retain your independence far into your pregnancy… read more
Workers’ Compensation Benefits in AlabamaPosted in Alabama Law,Personal Injury on November 21, 2019
No worker expects to clock in for the day only to leave in an ambulance. Unfortunately, hundreds of workplaces in Alabama contain hazards that can cause serious employee injuries. In 2017, 83 workers died on the job in Alabama, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A total of 5,147 fatal work injuries occurred across… read more
Car Accident Witness ResponsibilityPosted in Alabama Law,Car Accidents,Personal Injury on November 12, 2019
You might know what to do if you get in a car accident – remain at the scene, exchange information, call the police – but what about when you are a witness? If you are one of the first people to the scene of an auto accident, be a Good Samaritan. Render aid to crash… read more
Alabama Car Seat LawsPosted in Alabama Law,Car Accidents,Personal Injury on October 30, 2019
Children are extremely vulnerable in car accidents. They have softer bones and weaker muscles that can more easily sustain serious injuries in crashes than adults. Car accidents are a top cause of child death in the U.S. According to the CDC, in 2017, 675 children 12 years and younger died in motor vehicle accidents. Another… read more
What Happens if You Fail Your Interlock TestPosted in Alabama Law on October 24, 2019
A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction in Alabama can come with severe penalties that impact your life in multiple ways. You could lose your job and have to pay thousands of dollars in fines. You may have to spend time behind bars. A judge may also order you to install an ignition interlock device… read more
Alabama Move Over LawPosted in Alabama Law,Car Accidents on October 16, 2019
Everyone must do his or her part to help prevent automobile accidents in Alabama. Drivers and lawmakers alike must work together to make the roadways safer. Like most states, Alabama has a Move Over Law that aims to improve the safety of workers such as emergency first responders and law enforcement officers. The Move Over… read more
What to Do After a Dog BitePosted in Alabama Law,Personal Injury on September 27, 2019
A dog bite can be significantly painful and frightening for a victim. If a dog attacks you in Alabama, you may not know where to turn for assistance. The pet owner might dispute liability and refuse to pay for your medical care, or the animal that bit you might be a stray running at large… read more