What Is Personal Injury Pre-Action Protocol?

If you are seeking compensation for injuries in an Alabama accident, you will need the services of a personal injury attorney in Huntsville. Your lawyer will follow a strict process to file your lawsuit comprehensively and without any errors or setbacks. One step in this process is known as the personal injury pre-action protocol. The… read more

What Is Alabama’s Civil Statute of Limitations Law?

If you have suffered an injury in Alabama caused by an accident that was not your fault, you may wonder what your legal options are. Under Alabama law, you may receive financial compensation to recover from these losses. However, you must adhere to the Alabama civil statute of limitations law – you must file your… read more

What Is Contributory Negligence in Alabama Law?

Every state has unique laws when it comes to negligence in personal injury cases. Unfortunately, Alabama’s contributory negligence law can prevent a plaintiff from recovering compensation in a personal injury claim, if the plaintiff was at all responsible for the claimed damages. Most other states operate under comparative negligence laws that allow a plaintiff to… read more

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 

Despite advances in civil rights, discrimination is still a sad part of our society. Unfortunately, many of these discriminatory acts occur within the workplace. When employers engage in such acts, they are in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The purpose of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of… read more

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