Truck Rollover Accidents

Every year, large trucks play a role in thousands of serious and fatal traffic accidents. Although commercial trucking is an integral part of the economy, negligent trucking companies and their drivers can put other roadway users at risk. In 2017, 4,657 deadly car accidents involved big rigs. Many of these fatal accidents were rollovers, in… read more

Fire Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

The Christmas holiday naturally comes with many fire hazards the average household does not see the rest of the year. Christmas trees, strings of lights, dangerous decorations, heating units and holiday cooking all run significant fire safety risks. Do not let your celebration of the season lead to a house fire, serious burn injuries or… read more

Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Alabama

No worker expects to clock in for the day only to leave in an ambulance. Unfortunately, hundreds of workplaces in Alabama contain hazards that can cause serious employee injuries. In 2017, 83 workers died on the job in Alabama, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A total of 5,147 fatal work injuries occurred across… read more

Car Accident Witness Responsibility

You might know what to do if you get in a car accident – remain at the scene, exchange information, call the police – but what about when you are a witness? If you are one of the first people to the scene of an auto accident, be a Good Samaritan. Render aid to crash… read more

Alabama Car Seat Laws

Children are extremely vulnerable in car accidents. They have softer bones and weaker muscles that can more easily sustain serious injuries in crashes than adults. Car accidents are a top cause of child death in the U.S. According to the CDC, in 2017, 675 children 12 years and younger died in motor vehicle accidents. Another… read more

What to Do After a Dog Bite

A dog bite can be significantly painful and frightening for a victim. If a dog attacks you in Alabama, you may not know where to turn for assistance. The pet owner might dispute liability and refuse to pay for your medical care, or the animal that bit you might be a stray running at large… read more

Alabama Bicycle Laws

One of the main causes of bicycle accidents in Alabama is people disobeying the state’s bicycle laws. Bicycle laws are in place to protect vulnerable road users and prevent harmful collisions. Breaking the law as a driver or bicyclist could cause accidents and life-altering injuries, including traumatic brain damage. The best way to enjoy a… read more

What Is the Average Settlement for a Personal Injury?

Alabama state laws allow personal injury accident victims to go up against the negligent, reckless or criminal parties that caused their damages. An injured party can pursue a compensation award, often starting with a claim sent to the at-fault party’s insurance provider. Then, negotiations will ensue to reach a fair settlement amount for the victim…. read more

Pedestrian Safety in Alabama

Pedestrian safety should be a top priority in every city. Protecting the road’s most vulnerable users takes constant vigilance, innovations in pedestrian safety and awareness of the daily threats pedestrians face. Alabama is the second-deadliest state for pedestrians, according to a new report by Smart Growth America. The number of pedestrian deaths in Alabama has… read more

How To Prevent Construction Site Accidents

Construction is a dangerous and often deadly job. It is a construction company’s responsibility to keep its workers reasonably safe at construction sites through adequate safety measures and protocols. Unfortunately, some construction companies and site supervisors cut corners to save money…allowing worker safety to fall through the cracks. As a construction worker in Alabama, take… read more

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